Friday, November 24, 2006

friends of friends

He was waiting for her in the oversized armchair. His pale face periodically yanked his overarched black eyebrows down toward its mean little center, where the ruddy mouth pruned as he baked in his own anxiety, working himself up. Every once in a while he would think he was hearing her approach and would straighten with anticipation, so that by the time she actually arrived, late as usual, he was so well-practiced in this endeavor that her footsteps failed to move him.

He remained spider-like in his many-pointed expression of awkward geometry, long legs sprawled and his arms clutching their counterparts to keep his raging center protected, holding the hot pride of righteous indignation. He'd realized he was being dramatic, but he no longer cared. He had to look out for himself. And that meant he had to keep her around! She'd wounded him in her newfound want to get on with her life, had made him ugly in her self-preservation effort. Ignoring her and trying to inspire jealousy had been working for a while, but now he was starting to feel her slip away from him forever. She had said she needed space. He would throw her a curve ball tonight.

Keys jangled and fell outside the door, he heard her whisper, "Shit". He smiled briefly and then regained his stillness. She giggled as she bent down to pick up the keys, and for some reason this bothered him. Bothered him so much that he suddenly hated her, unknown to him for all their time together. She was already insensitive to him and his intentions, fumbling about outside the door to their apartment, prolonging his unease. Taking her time and giggling to herself, what did she have to be giddy about? He pondered her hours, mused on where her evening might have taken her, who might have been with her, if there was a threat looming there.

She opened the door and breezed by him, with scarves and jackets unraveling in a dervish of activity that allowed her amnesty from his stare. She could undress first, he told himself, it didn’t matter; he said nothing. She smelled new and old, pine cones and a whiff of jasmine, temperate conifers and delicate tropical flowers. His stomach lurched.

"Oh!" she said as she emerged from the kitchen and saw him. "Hey".

He looked for a moment as if he might cry, there was a tremble there. But instead he pronounced decisively, "I had a dream last night that I cut you up into small pieces". It wasn't exactly what he'd meant to say, but it was true. Somehow this divulgement bared sharp teeth since he couldn't be held responsible for a dream, and, in turn, she couldn't find fault with it. And he knew that she found some deeper truth in dreams than in what actually occurred in life. She was nonsensical like that, believing in hidden truth more accurate than what people said and did. He'd hated that about her. But right now he could use it.

She rolled her eyes back into her head, rubbed her forehead, and looked at him in disbelief. The disbelief quickly transformed into belief, which summoned forth a stare of profound disappointment. He remained stone faced. He wondered if he should feign concern, the victim of dream physics unknown to him...but decided against it. When he looked at her again, she had raised her eyebrows in mock interest. A half-smile perched on her little mouth.

"Was it satisfying?" she purred. She was defensive now, and for reasons unknown to her, it was making her act sexual. He could trump her, though. He could always trump her, because she loved him, she had been desperately in love with him! If he could just get that hook back in her, if he could just wiggle it around, she would confess that she missed him. And they could be friends again. He needed to know that she still wanted him in her life. And he knew how to keep ex-lovers around him, had made an art of it. He liked the attention fixed on him, newly unattainable, something removed from grasp; he shimmered in it. It was convenient, it was powerful and it provided lasting relationships. With girls, which he preferred.

"Yes, it was" he said quietly.

"That was not a very good dream story, Ryan. Where are the bears? and phantom smells? and anatomical inconsistencies?". She had heard his dreams before. He made them up, often. When he had nothing real to say.

"I didn’t tell you to amuse you, I-"

"And you haven’t amused me, I'm not amused. I am thoroughly not amused or even slightly interested. I'm over it, ok? You can be such a little bitch sometimes. I don’t even know how we ever got along…we’re so different. Let’s just drop it for now, ok?". He looked down, unsure of how to proceed.

But she also didn't know how to pretend the fight hadn't happened. She was mad, now, and obstinate when she was angry. She felt raw and energetic, a tick, a bobbin , a wound thing. She opened a book but didn't read. She thought to herself, "Lord, I'm not a dramatic person, why does his bullshit seem to work on me, to get to me so much? Lord, I need you to provide me with other thoughts". She did not believe in God, but she would pray for her own amusement from time to time. It was a structure for self-communication, like 'Dear Diary'. She flirted with self-parody, making mockeries of her emotions. Right now it wasn't helping. She should have left, but it was late, and she had nowhere to go. And she was in it now, waist deep.

"I just really miss you", he said with real emotion in his eyes. They were slick with potential tears. She felt herself softening, and wanted to scream. She was being rolled around in her own emotions, made to smell them. "This is how he gets away with everything", she thought. "He's a mindfuck, a psychic vampire, a leech full of ego and odious hidden motives. Does he even know what a passive-aggressive asshole he can be? How selfish and horrible and sickeningly false? You know it, you figure it out. And then somehow you just end up back in his corner. He's manipulative, that's what. And he isn't even conscious of it". Actually, she wasn't sure if he was conscious or not. He had not wanted to be with her after they'd broken up, not romantically, and she had dealt with his weird montage of putdowns and come-ons for years. No matter what pretenses he had for doing the things he did, it was all about him. And she hadn’t taken another serious lover in three years, holding out for him.

She couldn't speak. In an act she would regret for at least the rest of that night, she raised her middle finger at him. He got up and went into the bedroom, where he let her hear him dial his cell phone and then he shut the door before she could glean who he was speaking to or what he said. "Some climax," she thought, irritated. She coached herself, thinking, "Everyone has one of Those. Someone who, because they're so thoroughly fucked, confuses you into caring. It's exciting but it's stupid. I don't work on Saturday. I'm not going in that bedroom". In a last ditch attempt, she shouted, "You're not even that hot!" and grabbed the wine bottle off the table. She was going to get drunk.

Monday, November 20, 2006


God’s hands were up her skirt I suppose. So keep me in your bed with…

Learning to make sushi!

When someone asks me if I want to hear their poetry, I ask if it rhymes. No matter what the answer, I say no.

Baby you make me sick, but I’m bulemic. So that’s good stuff. --song lyrics i'm experimenting with in the endeavor of writing an original love song.

I can’t find my siren song in the bathtub. i've been trying. it sounds as an upset monkey.


Knees to chest.

Ass to ankles. All

Crease and paperfold.

Tilted to the right



A tremor, slight shiver.

The breathing and your heavy innards

Something else entirely.

Wind tossing your fray about the face.

And it not strong enough

To lift you.

silk city diner and a letter.

will you get it if i reply to this address?

well, shit. i'm gonna.

silk city was uneventful, in a glorious way you know, i

kind of resented the place for being like a hipster diner....

mocking my serious dirty jers love of the diner

which does not harken back to any fifties nostalgia, but just to

slutty old grotesque waitresses

who would give you the shirt off their backs

except they realize that would be an affront to civilization,

and writing notes on napkins,

caffeine love,

and stuff like that.

but i actually enjoyed the scenesters hanging out.

it gave my task a more serious tone

because i was using the diner in the proper manner,

surrounded by socializing and trendsterizing

(which is sorta like sanitizing, but done with coolness!

not real coolness, the virus kind of cool, where suddenly everyone has


anyhow, here are some old testament (OT) highlights you may or may not be interested in:

1) God is a chemist. he likes to separate (light from dark, night from day, sea from land, etc). solve et coagulae..

2) upon your belly you shall go and dust you shall eat all the days of your life

God said to Snake, but doesn't it sound pretty.

3) God's First Disingenuous Question: Have you eaten?

4) thorns and thistles, man's punishment.that feeling you have? late at night? the thorns and thistles. opposite birds and bees.

5) God does not, contrary to popular belief, expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, but rather out of fear that they will now eat from the tree of life, making them immortal. so he sends a cherubim with a flaming sword to guard it and expels man and woman from Eden.

6) It would be cooler if it were Adam and Even.

which i wrote once by accident in my notes.

7) in Norse mythology it's Ask and Embla,

which are awesome names.

8) Nephilim

hmmm. i guess they are akin to seraphim.

why do they sound evil? for their n's?

9) Noah is only blameless in his generation, so he's just okay.

10) god says the thoughts of our hearts are continually wicked.

which of course they are.

and this makes me miss you.

thank you.

love and explosions,

fireworks and fisticuffs,


good luck charms.

I had one of those hideous dreams last night, the mundane variety where you’re late for class, you haven’t done your homework, you can’t get to work and when you do you forgot something. Invasion of my dreams is not taken lightly. Changes must be made, or my soul is a gonner. Again.

There is a certain poignant validity in seeing your soul constantly in jeopardy, like a medieval Italian.

Try to steal MY soul, will you?

Well….we’ll just see about that.

Espiritu Sancti. Quid me mihi detrahis? Semper Eadem.

I cast thee out university life, I cast thee out ineptitude, laziness, comfort, satiability…

To the Ladies in the Audience: If you don’t want to get hit on walking down the street, all you have to do is pretend to be crazy. Works like a charm.

Just wave your conducting stick (made of whatever you find lying on the street) and hum loudly. It’s even fun!

Maybe a lot more people than we know are only pretending to be crazy. Not for any practical reason, like avoiding a murder charge, but simply because it’s the place to be. Total and complete irresponsibility and a certain power in provoking unease in those around you. And it’s creative, you choose the form of the crazy.

Create your own motifs.

The proof is in the pudding….

As they say.

I think running into crazy people on the street is good luck.

voodoo suite

fondling the stem of the champagne glass
and thinking of you.

THINK OF ME. i sort of command you.

dear science.

Dear Science,
I think I should be able to shed more skin at will and also i would like to understand more of this thing called physics but not on your terms. never on your terms. I bet you didn't know i could smoke with my feet while reading the Wall Street Journal and only while reading the wall street journal. Explain that one, Science. I dare you.
Dr. Honey Homunculus and Her Orchestra


to do:

find out who can make a mean roux, small war dances, an understudy who will take over when i need to nap, the planfriend i girl to steal, velcro enthusiasts, seamstresses, ti fey, ti malis, ti-moun malelve, the order of widows, Lasyren, people in other states that would let me stay at their houses when traveling, autodidacts and automata, sweet dreams and coca-cola machines...etc...TBA

Sunday, June 12, 2005

i will steal your wife

i will steal your wife and take her to italy. involved parties, you know who you are. i have hands in a thousand pots, and when the old guys die, it comes to me.
and we eat our way to revolution.
so long hungry who long hungry gets full.

if i were a goddess, i'd be the goddess of pomp and pride.
lookout, man of the hour.
i work your nice street.


Bizarres, Roses, and Bybloemens


it's come to this.

i must see you now. i think also, i must do laundry. i was thinking of combining my efforts....i bow to the multitask deity, it is not a violent god.


A Coca Cola Product

Kevin is. Kevin lives.

Kevin is the most amazing person I know. Just now, the doorbell rang, and he got up from the couch and took a piss. I said baby, are you gonna get that? And he said yeah and finished peeing.

Kevin, I aspire to be the kind of person you already are.


i have two shadows.

I have two shadows. Right now. One is blue and One is black.

One is smiling, the other seems dead.

we'll make geography dance.

sweet sweet anarchy for small spaces.

gonna die soon kind of bad, but then... i mean, how do i rate the nuances? like even molecules are full of stuff

deep is peed spelled backwards.

a man a plan a canal, spiderman 2.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

guano mad and batshit crazy: a social history of feces and insanity

the first one was awful to her. accused her of being on drugs and they weren't even the right ones. he gave her a diamond ring and she left it as a tip for a diner waitress. on a set of mashed potatoes and gravy. for all it was worth. rich boys and the obvious dreams that girls have.

i don't believe you, continue.

after that one,
she was a red thong hiding in the world. he kept her inside the evil treasure of his heart. and even the bubbles in my coke got excited. it was the strong thread of ariadne. but it never left the labryinth. and though your hands were esau's, your voice was jacob's.

the next one was raw.
he said, "baby, let's tow some shit". i loved his machines.

there was another one i don't remember. we would leave the parties dixie fried and go to his apartment to fuck or not fuck.
and i am enthusiastic about that. about both. and about leaving. most of all.

one more i loved simply because he once mentioned that as far as he was concerned he liked me better without makeup. if you can believe that.

next time, we were the out-of-state-plates. i am, the song i sang myself. ray, a drop of golden sun, and you are dear.
when we became friends you spoonfed me with your eyes, from the garden of one strong rose.
where maybe someone else had died.

the one after that, he had the perfect hilarious neuroticism.

i don't believe you, continue. i don't believe you, continue.

his blood was made of salmon.
i kept a 3rd eye. on my underwear. i drew it there. every morning for a decade.

then dated a ghost for 30 years. i called to him late at night, he materialized, and i woke up missing money from my jeans. he would devour me. he kissed like he would eventually devour me. and i only know it ever happened because my lips would bleed, my clothes were torn, my skin was bruised and rosey with hickeys and i smiled all day like a good secret.

i don't believe you, continue.

brass tacks. a small self-torture, the next one after that. he didn't work on saturdays, so we had to split.
who would have thought tatami and tabasco would fall in love? i can't stop dripping. with a force more predictable than clumsiness, i think there's some strange chemistry at work. you be tatami, i'll be tabasco you be tatami, i'll be tabasco. the most unpredictable of bedfellas make good bedfellows.

more than men, she thought of them as a set of life philosophies.
all of them were frustrating by themselves. certain combinations could fill her.
but you can only marry one.
at a time. if you want to marry, and she did she did she did! over and over, red on red and red again before sundown. i'm comfortable with the one who knows things he shouldn't know and never says them and when he does talk it is often with his hands. a good strong drink calms my bucking hips. a drink with eyes of shell and lapis lazuli. who knows the difference between things you mean when you say them and things you are forever.

the one who broke into my apartment every night just to lay his head down on the pillow with mine. well, i had broken in to some of his private life to be near him so it made perfect sense. he will tell me he loves me or more and i will feel the words with my whole mysterious little huge body. we can sleep asscheek to asscheek or like creeping vines over each other we will sleep in many more positions we can press our foreheads together and lock eyes and not laugh unless we want to.

employment ruins your chances at employment. bosses can be so incompetent at telling you how to do the jobs they give you. but you have to think about screwing them on top of the things you clean on the clock.

i don't believe you, continue.

and i always come back here.
i hope your little soul and my little soul can sit in the dark theater and hold hands. i hope we don't listen to our contexts. i hope there's no reason to worry about life.
i don't believe you, continue. i don't believe you, continue.
i am the song i sing myself ray a drop of golden sun and you are dear.

how i wrote my first sci-fi novel at the age of 5

In truth, I only take one piece of paper because I have only ever needed just the one. They say that brevity is an art, or anyway, I say it. To be succinct is to gaze from the shore at the tumultuous sea of language, assess the risk, and smugly self-satisfied, sit safely sipping your maitai in the sand, intent on a long and semi-healthy life. Sometimes being brief takes longer than others, depending on who you are, what your essential nature is. God, for example, has apparently had to sum it all up, and the result was a few very lengthy texts, written in the past when God chose to manifest himself and, according to the sane, never reappear. It stands to reason that He must have done a pretty good job at summation. Considering his magnitude and infinite nature, for God, that ain’t half bad. Unlike God, I, not being infinite in basically any way, take just the one page. I just take a walk around the huddled gunk of my brain, just one lap, and I call it a day.

This is only slightly related, but do you think that maybe when Jesus met a woman of pitiful circumstance and “had compassion on her” that it might be a euphemism for something sexy? I do. I think interpreters turn a blind eye sometimes. Anyway, it’s religion, so I choose to believe that my interpretation is true and you can’t stop me. Belief is faux real. Like art, it has no standards.

Let’s leave nostalgia clutching its cowboy hat in a dirt road dusting, as you and I ride away in our big rig spaceship of lawlessness. Welcome to the future. It’s getting less infinite all the time.

what i think about mr. god

If He is a lidless maestro

Souls are like footpedals, quiet down this thought or hold out on this one now.

He works the Sunday crowd like a fat stripper.

A gasp from the mass

I say god is little

A gasp from the mass

I'll nail my opus to your door

well it's a revelation,

revelation to your head.

And I think he is hiding.

A gasp from the mass.

Come on folks, this is who we are, we find frying pans in the stars.

I say god is little.

and it's a revelation, revelation to your head.

I agree with you all I just think he's really small.

experiment on rye.

so i just posted a blog or four and bam! 64 views. in like four seconds. do i even have 64 friends? apparently i do. i just casually glanced at my blog views (i'm totally normal i'm totally normal!) and i saw it. and i was blown away. so i'm gonna post this now. and see what happens. i kind of hope it was just one person viewing my blog 64 times. and i only know one person with the audacity and o.c.d to do such a thing for his own reasons. mr richard nagy. but i doubt it.
and so, welp, why aren't you commenting on anything, my sweet 64? maybe you prefer to remain anonymous and that's cool, it's cool. no really.
but i wonder about you.
like what are you wearing? not in a sexy way but just that it's 5:30 am or 8:30 am, depending on your time zone, and you could very well be reading my posts naked with morning wood.
which endears you to me. and also everything around you. like your blankets. and your pillows, maybe. and the chips and salsa you curled up with last night. or your significant other. i did both. i almost had it all, my friend.
i'm amazed and delighted with you people. persons. special persons. in my life without me knowing who you are or why you need me like you do. so early early in the mornin.

capitalism, the rat race, and crime

My favourite analogy for capitalism is the game Monopoly. When you were a kid and you were playing monopoly, who was your most threatening opponent? The kid with the railroads? guess again. It was the kid that was gonna say, "i don't wanna play anymore". and ass out. all that time and emotional investment you put into the game, biding your time, building your empire, gone in the blink of an eye. that kid has all the power. that kid is a criminal. that kid is a revolution.
that kid's saying, all this isn't real, but you know what is? this wedgie i'm giving you.

the human biological imperative to wear silly hats.

party hats. it's a fucking industry. every friggin holiday is an excuse. an excuse to pull out the 'fun' hat. christmas--santa hats. new years--big sparkley top hats. don't even get me started on halloween. apparently, this is a basic human impulse. like having sex. fun. party. hats.
at some point in our evolution, wearing a big stupid hat helped us to survive and/or reproduce. think of wizards. ask yourself. why.
people actually wake up on new years and say, "hey, hon, let's get out the big hat, it's a holiday!".
you will stammer in awe of my big sparkley hat! and you will submit your will to me. because my hat fuckin rules you. it rules you.