Monday, November 20, 2006

silk city diner and a letter.

will you get it if i reply to this address?

well, shit. i'm gonna.

silk city was uneventful, in a glorious way you know, i

kind of resented the place for being like a hipster diner....

mocking my serious dirty jers love of the diner

which does not harken back to any fifties nostalgia, but just to

slutty old grotesque waitresses

who would give you the shirt off their backs

except they realize that would be an affront to civilization,

and writing notes on napkins,

caffeine love,

and stuff like that.

but i actually enjoyed the scenesters hanging out.

it gave my task a more serious tone

because i was using the diner in the proper manner,

surrounded by socializing and trendsterizing

(which is sorta like sanitizing, but done with coolness!

not real coolness, the virus kind of cool, where suddenly everyone has


anyhow, here are some old testament (OT) highlights you may or may not be interested in:

1) God is a chemist. he likes to separate (light from dark, night from day, sea from land, etc). solve et coagulae..

2) upon your belly you shall go and dust you shall eat all the days of your life

God said to Snake, but doesn't it sound pretty.

3) God's First Disingenuous Question: Have you eaten?

4) thorns and thistles, man's punishment.that feeling you have? late at night? the thorns and thistles. opposite birds and bees.

5) God does not, contrary to popular belief, expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, but rather out of fear that they will now eat from the tree of life, making them immortal. so he sends a cherubim with a flaming sword to guard it and expels man and woman from Eden.

6) It would be cooler if it were Adam and Even.

which i wrote once by accident in my notes.

7) in Norse mythology it's Ask and Embla,

which are awesome names.

8) Nephilim

hmmm. i guess they are akin to seraphim.

why do they sound evil? for their n's?

9) Noah is only blameless in his generation, so he's just okay.

10) god says the thoughts of our hearts are continually wicked.

which of course they are.

and this makes me miss you.

thank you.

love and explosions,

fireworks and fisticuffs,



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