Saturday, October 15, 2005

hot pink and the crazy colors

I'm glad I took this Women in Society class
because there is something i learned about myself that i never realized before which is how sexist kevin is.
the other day i came to bed and he asked me when i was gonna shave my armpits.
and i was like pssh when are you gonna shave yours, it's hair, man, it's natural i'm natural we're all friends here. and he was like yeah. but i have to sleep with you so if you wouldn't mind...

so then i did and he was like you missed a spot.

kevin? sexist.

then he beat me at scrabble and it was soooo sexist because i did just as much work as he did but he got all the triple word shits and then all the points...just like in society...

it's just the big man keepin me down tellin me i'm not as good.


and then the other day handsome and anne and me and denise were hangin and anytime one of us ladies would be saying something kevin and handsom would begin their own manversation. it was unbelievable.

i have a new favourite word. and lookout because i have yet to discover that kevin is heterosexist and/or racist.
so look for that.


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