Friday, July 22, 2005

apotropaic genies

shortly before leaving for india,
Goodbyes and Magic Pies
with special guest eel on eel

well there are no magic pies, i just wanted it to sound enticing. like a hanger on a doorknob you can't come in but you must.

i just almost had a panic attack because i wanted to see the enki bilal movie before i left and what the hell does that have to do with anything right now.

he's broke i'm broke the air's broke
immerse your psyche in this! anna said the east is immortal.

my brain is hot eel on eel action this morning.

apparently...there is a lion sanctuary in gujarat. so...i will bring back some friends for you, maybe
and for kevin...
and to play with (hu)mungusmingus the cat.

i have ooh heaven is a place on earth in my head.
(it really makes you think)

when i get home i will turn the upstairs toilet into a wishing well.
you can all come and wish.
and i will have been to india.
so you can rub my belly.
and i will bring you luck.
(that's what happens.
when you go to india.)

like the statues of the buddha and chevy chase (who also lived in splendor in india reigning supreme, i believe that was the American 80's comedy/moghul-influenced dynasty, renounced his princehood and became a spiritual leader... anyway you find his statue at, ech hem, more upscale chinese food places and the effect is the same with regards to the lucking).
...have all my wishes come true? i can't remember what i wish for when i do. probably the same thing every time and its probably totally unverifiable as to whether it has come true or not. but i do wish on things. stars. gum wrappers. whatever.

my sister (ciao bella! mozzarella!) sent me a picture of herself that i got today from when she was in india and the sweat is just literally streaming down her face. she inscribed the back with a very nice sentiment beginning as follows: "with every drop of sweat..."

she seems to lately favor a new twist on an old nickname and calls me fudge nine-o-fiver. ( which is nice except that fudge is a somewhat obscure reference to a younger sibling who gets away with everything in a children's book, and the more popular vernacular is more acquainted with fudge meaning... ) and i was actually touched by her attempt to frighten me, to flaunt her sisterly i've already been there, to protect and spiritually escort me like a psychopomp, and send sweet little giftie words and big sweaty droplets.

obviously i am very excited.

kevin and i tried out our i'll miss yous a bunch they don't fit quite yet, it's funny how you can't know that kind of thing before it happens the way you can't remember physical pain after the fact of it. you just get little glimpses of man, i am going to fit for you, fiend, gutache, cry and otherwise withdraw from familiarity with you but there's just no way to ease into it so you just gotta do it and do it alone.
don't worry kev-o, you can follow my jellyfish ooze all the way to india! i left you a trail.
and i'm not doing any of that you can date others while i am away crap that's so popular with everyone i know. no, i am a little tyrant, and if he cheats he'll just have to do it the old fashioned way where he has to feel guilty and i don't have to know (oh, but i do know, darling, i know that you would never but nevertheless...).

kevin and i got indian food. for the irony.
and for the coondapur.

all of my friends (which are three) were lovely about my go and they brought champagne and pictures and notebooks with cutouts and drawings of toilets (because when you gotta go, you gotta go- oh, ali--rahrah i cheer you, hear you, fear you) and their lovely selves, some of those selves had boyfriends who brought pizza which was also brilliant.

so all in all a very nice farewell except the weather, but philly's not a very kind host, and anyway at least i'm not missing anything in that regard.

when i return i will obviously be very powerful.



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